Read and Reflect

  1. You will need to be in a dark room because that way there is no other light, besides yours, that you are capturing.
  2. You will need a subject because what is the point of taking a black picture. That’s not interesting.
  3. A strobe, or flashlight, is essential because that helps the camera capture your subject without fully exposing your image for a long time.
  4. Your camera aperture needs to be between f/8 and f/16 because this controls how your flash exposure is recorded.
  5. A tripod will be beneficial because this keeps your camera steady while it is capturing your exposure and subject.
  6. Set your camera between ISO 100 to 200 to help keep the image dark.
  7. Tell your subject to move when so they wont come out blurry in the photo.
  8. Have extra help because you might want, or need, extra lighting in the photo.
  9. Use manual focus for shooting because auto focus will have a hard time trying to focus in the dark and will making capturing the photo hard.
  10. Once done, make tiny touches in Lightroom to make your picture more clearer

Iconic Image & Lighting



-Front light

-Sit down and have the light source right by the camera for Front Lighting.

-In front

-He’s sitting down



-Above and behind

-Stand there and put the light above and behind the subject

-In front

-He’s walking